Meeting Schedule
January 5th- Dominos Gladstone Mi 2:00pm
February 2nd Gladstone Mi 2:00pm
March 2nd Gladstone Mi 2:00pm
April 6th 2:00pm
May: TBD
November: TBD
December: TBD
Meetings are held December-May and are open to everyone! Not just the board of directors. We encourage our members to join us the first Sunday of the month. Check back here for updates on meeting times and locations.
Meeting Notes
UPHA Meeting
January 5th 2:00pm
Gladstone Michigan
Meeting called to order at 2:02pm by Christa McCarty
There was 15 people in attendance, sign in sheet passed around
Past Minutes: Sue made a motion to accept the minutes and seconded by Dianne
Treasures Report:
We have moved to UP State Credit Union. Checking: $$695.67 Savings: $2000.00 Motion to receive the treasures report made by Abby and seconded by Sue. Judy mentioned as a reminder that some of that money is for the timer rental and will need to be separated for the timer rental. Aprox $800 is for the timer and this money is set aside in case it breaks or needs any repairs. Was mentioned that once this reaches a $1000 we will put the timer rental fees into the normal checking account.
Correspondance: No correspondence.
New Business
All Board Members have to be paid 2025 members to be on the board. Everyone in attendance of the meeting gave Judy their forms & money
60th Anniversary Logo voting
Logo 1: 5
Logo 2: 5
Logo 3: 0
Logo 4: 1
Logo 5: 0
Logo 6: 0
Taking into account the Facebook votes Logo 1 wins (UP with solid horse and the large 60). Abby will ask the designer to change it to say “Celebrating 60 years of riding together”. The
other logos will be available on merchandise to purchase in the online store. The winner of the contest logo will be used on our rulebook, letterheads, forms, etc in addition to being available for online orders
Sponsorship Competition: OPEN TO UPHA MEMBERS & NON MEMBERS
Sponsorship Forms
Online Store Front
Old Business
Members show
Alger Fair would like to have a UPHA show during the Alger Fair
Wording for the code of conduct: Christa will post on the Facebook directors page for approval
Future Meetings. First Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. We will remain hosting them at Dominos in Gladstone
Christa wanted to point out that the UPHA Directorys Only Facebook page is open to all Directors to post, comment and interact on. There are times where items need to be voted on and can’t wait till the next meeting.
Audrey made a motion to adjourn at 4:25pm and seconded by Abby
January 5th 2:00pm
Gladstone Michigan
Meeting called to order at 2:02pm by Christa McCarty
There was 15 people in attendance, sign in sheet passed around
Past Minutes: Sue made a motion to accept the minutes and seconded by Dianne
Treasures Report:
We have moved to UP State Credit Union. Checking: $$695.67 Savings: $2000.00 Motion to receive the treasures report made by Abby and seconded by Sue. Judy mentioned as a reminder that some of that money is for the timer rental and will need to be separated for the timer rental. Aprox $800 is for the timer and this money is set aside in case it breaks or needs any repairs. Was mentioned that once this reaches a $1000 we will put the timer rental fees into the normal checking account.
Correspondance: No correspondence.
New Business
All Board Members have to be paid 2025 members to be on the board. Everyone in attendance of the meeting gave Judy their forms & money
60th Anniversary Logo voting
Logo 1: 5
Logo 2: 5
Logo 3: 0
Logo 4: 1
Logo 5: 0
Logo 6: 0
Taking into account the Facebook votes Logo 1 wins (UP with solid horse and the large 60). Abby will ask the designer to change it to say “Celebrating 60 years of riding together”. The
other logos will be available on merchandise to purchase in the online store. The winner of the contest logo will be used on our rulebook, letterheads, forms, etc in addition to being available for online orders
Sponsorship Competition: OPEN TO UPHA MEMBERS & NON MEMBERS
- $250 you will get 1 free stall
- $500 will get you 1 free stall and 1 tack stall
- $1000 is 1 free stall, 1 tack stall and your entries paid for at our Members show. One horse and rider combo
- Dianne made a motion to approve the sponsorship incentive open to everyone. Seconded by Phyllis. Motion carried
Sponsorship Forms
- Add a $25 class sponsorship option
- Double check our non profit status and license
- Re word the wording on the to whom it may concern letter to say “As we share a commitment to sharing and promoting community events in the Upper Peninsula”
- Audrey made a motion to accept the forms with the above changes. Seconded by Abby and all in favor.
- Depending on how many items are donated it will depend on how long we run it, but as of right now the last week of February into March
- Christa will make up a fundraiser letter
- Bring items to the February meeting
- Will be run on the UPHA facebook page
- If all board members can get 1-2 items that would be great. This was a HUGE fundraiser when GLEA did it and they quit a few years ago so hopefully we can raise quite a bit
Online Store Front
- Go live Feb 1st with our apparel store front
- Upload our designs on shirts, hoodies, etc. Customers will buy directly off the storefront and will ship directly to the purchaser and at the end of the month a check is mailed to UPHA.
- Tee shirts, Sweatshirt Hoodie, coffee cups, travel mug, long sleeve shirts, tank tops, stickers and decals for trailers were all items mentioned that we should sell.
- Youth sizes will be available
- Audrey made a motion to approve the online storefront and seconded by Abby
- 1 or 2 days in Marquette. $300 for the weekend or $150 a day.
- Speed only
- UPHA appointed
- Discussion having speed in Escanaba at all and having a speed only show in Mqt or doing it as a fundraiser show.
- Audey Made a motion to replace the speed classes in Escanaba for the Members Show to a different venue, Marquette being our first choice. Seconded by Sue. Phyllis opposed. Christa will check on dates for the Marquette fairgrounds
- This means there will be NO speed during the Members show, instead there will be a speed ONLY show held in Marquette in place of speed in Escanaba.
- Allowing classes that match exactly on the GLEA showbill to also count for UPHA points
- Tabled for future discussion, no motion
- Update to the new logo
- Membership levels available starting Feb 1st- May 1st
- Gold membership includes T-shirt and hoodie $100
- Silver membership includes hoodie $75
- Bronze membership includes T-shirt-$50
- Standard Membership $25
- Youth subtract $10 from each level
- Gold membership includes T-shirt and hoodie $100
- Christa will revamp it with Judy’s changes and post on the directors page for approval
- Dianne made a motion to accept the new Anniversary membership form and seconded by Phyllis. All in favor
- Already completed and we have an account at UP State Credit Union
- Audrey and Lisa were able to close the account in Gwinn
- Christa opened a new PO BOX- $68 a year. Abby made a motion to pay Christa back for the cost of the PO Box. Seconded by Dianne. All in favor
- PO Box 60. Wells Michigan 49894
- Every single show across the Country that according to Federal Law we have to let them know of any shows that we are running and if they choose they will send a vet for inspections. If they do not send a vet then it is a cost that the club needs to upfront this cost. At this time the AQHA, ApHC and APHA have not responded at this time. Something to keep on our radar.
Old Business
Members show
- May 31st-June 1st
- Judges in progress. Christa is working on it and will post them on the Directors Page for final approval. Trying to hire a wife/husband pair to save on travel and hotel costs.
- Judges rates have increased compared to past years
- Finalize showbill
- Split combined show like GLEA does.
- Christa made a mock showbill and presented it to the board
- Split Combined vs hosting a full show each day.
- Sue made a motion to have our Members Show be a split Combined show. Seconded by Audrey. 2 opposed. Motion passes
- Christa will proof read and post a new potential showbill on the directors page after our suggestions and pointing out a couple missing classes
- Abby made a motion that the class fees be $8 per class per judge, $40 per stall, $20 per tack stall with a $10 office fee for the weekend per exhibitor and waived to $5 if they pre register. Seconded by Audrey. All in favor
- Sue made a motion to have a $10 daily haul in fee per trailer. Seconded by Audrey. All in favor
- Shavings TBD. Discussion of picking them up before hand and selling off a trailer. Or prepaying and having them delivered to peoples stalls. Mels did not sell enough last year and does not want to bring their trailer to the fairgrounds.
- Split Combined vs hosting a full show each day.
- Split combined show like GLEA does.
- Sue brought a poster with Arena rules and is willing to make copies and laminate and have at the shows to be posted around the arena and office
- Team Challenge. Sue and her family would like to sponsor a team challenge for the Members Show. $25 per team. Audrey made a motion to approve Sue’s family hosting the challenge and seconded by Dianne
- Rulebooks & Printing
- Christa will have it posted on our Directors Page within the week and will have it sent to print once approved.
- Christa will have it posted on our Directors Page within the week and will have it sent to print once approved.
- 2025 Shows
- No updates from NMEA
- SSSC has judges for approval
- Kristen Mellenburger: Saturday
- Terry Delbridge: Sunday
- Sue made a motion to approve the judges and seconded by Phyllis. All in favor
- Kristen Mellenburger: Saturday
- No updates from NMEA
Alger Fair would like to have a UPHA show during the Alger Fair
- Pleasure show- Saturday Augst 2nd
- Speed show-Sunday August 3rd
- Stalls are limited and those traveling long distance will be given preference. There is room for trailers and to show out of your trailer
- Mary asked for a variance of a 10am start time to allow time for people to haul in.
- Audrey made a motion to approve the Alger Fair UPHA show and seconded by Abby. All in favor
Wording for the code of conduct: Christa will post on the Facebook directors page for approval
Future Meetings. First Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. We will remain hosting them at Dominos in Gladstone
- February 2nd
- March 2nd
- April 6th
Christa wanted to point out that the UPHA Directorys Only Facebook page is open to all Directors to post, comment and interact on. There are times where items need to be voted on and can’t wait till the next meeting.
Audrey made a motion to adjourn at 4:25pm and seconded by Abby