Recent Meeting Minutes
February 5th, 2017
Hong Kong Buffet 2pm
Meeting called to order by Preisdent Jesse Willour at 2:00pm there was 12 people in attendance
Motion to recieve the minutes as read made by Karen and seconded by Cindy N.
Treasures Report: Checking $1516.65 and Savings: $1539.47 Motion to recieve the treasures report by Abby and seonded by Cindy
Correspondance: Christmas letter from NMU
Old Business:
- Banquette October 28th at Northern Michigan University. Menu to be decided later in the year.
Great Lakes Rodeo-May 27th and 28th
Janece is doing stalls. $27. $15 for tack but tack stalls are outside only. Saturday is double judged with first set of speed and Sunday will have the second set of speed starting at 10am
Marquette County Horse Club- June 9th,10th,11th
Janece is doing stalls. $27 and $15 for outside tack stalls. First set of speed will be Friday at 6pm. Full day of showing Saturday. Pleasure only on Sunday. Motion to approve judges Joy Ratkowski and Jen Kvalheim made by Karen and seconded by Lisa.
Silver Spur Saddle Club-July 8th and 9th
Motion to approve Gary Shipshock made by Judy and seconded by Cindy. Motion to approve Jody Zulsdorf-hamerla made by Judy and seconded by Lisa P. Two day show not double judged this year. Stall contact to be determined.
- Fun Show: Alger Fair has insurance we could use through the LIons Club. No rental fee for the grounds. Parking being an issue was brought up. Trying to work with NBHA to not have conflicting dates. Silver Spur clinic is still a possibility but they haven’t had their meeting for the month yet. Tabled till the next meeting.
- Sponsors. We have 17 class sponsors, 4 weekend sponsors, and one high point sponsor.
- Update Class List: Abbys word program wont update the class list and Member form because it is an old version of Word. Jesse will try and update it and send to Abby to post on the website.
- Show Program: Judy has brought printouts of 3 show programs to look at. Tabled to the next meeting. Judy is going to try a demo version of two of them to see if she likes them.
Members Show-July 15th and 16th
- Job list passed around. Show manager is Cindy N.
- Judges: Ashley Huey from Wisconsin and Dawn Brandow from Wisconsin. Motion to approve made by Lisa and seconded by Karen.
- Insurance, we can use Dave’s insurance but he will not have his tack trailer or concession there. Cindy will work on concession
- Mels will bring their shavings trailer. Shavings will be prepaid and then the extras will be locked in a stall and you must get the key from the office to get your shavings.
- Jesse will order more ribbons to fill in what we have. Karen made a motion to order more ribbons and seconded by Judy.
- Abby will order stuff sometime in june for the awards using the UPHA account through Schneiders. Judy brought up she liked the idea of stuff that you run out of: fly spray, shampoo, salt licks, etc.
New Business
- High Point in Memory of Tim Hurley. Karen made a motion and seconded by Cindy N.
- Lisa p made a motion to donate $100 to the UP State fair youth program and seconded by Karen.
- Janece brought up trying 906 bar and grill for a meeting place. After discussion about parking and the stairs it was decided to stay at Hong Kong.
March 5th in Rapid River at Jacks. Lisa P will not be there so there will be no treasures report.
Karen made a motion to adjourn at 3:08pm and seconded by Lisa P.